soulmate pick a card tumblr

This person is really good at finding solutions as well. So you need to focus your attention into gaining a bit more confidence to speak up. I feel like you will be like imma come back after I recharge my social interaction batteries. If anyone does have an experience like this, please let me know! Theyre paying cause youre smart and they are a gentleman/lady. Ill tell you all you need to know about your current frequencies. Either way, things look pretty tensionated between the two of you. Hi everyone and welcome to todays reading! I have set up 4 different piles of cards that you get to choose between in order to determine what your energy will be like for the month of October as well as this Full Moon in Aries. See a recent post on Tumblr from @laguezze about soulmate pick a card. They may have a very beautiful skin tone. Search for the lyrics in English tho. Before we get started, I believe that we have multiple soulmates; people who we are meant to learn from in this lifetime and beyond. You seem to have been through a lot of trauma, pile 3. Anyway, they seem to really care about your health(maybe youre a patient). Maybe your sun sign is a feminine one and youll seem more of a masculine one. Their energy is so obsessive. This person may have actually been one of your soulmates, but ultimately, you were not meant to be together. In the image below, see which card you resonate with, 1, 2 or 3, and then scroll down to the corresponding pile for your reading! This is a strategist: they know exactly what theyre doing and how to get the results they want. I see one of those scenes from Disney movies in which the prince grabs the princesses hand while shes trying to run away. You seem to take the guilt off this person. i think its actually happened already! This is someone who isnt afraid to initiate or walk up to someone and ask for their number - or a date. You can both read someones story by just staring at them. They may have Plutonian and neptunian qualities. Now I would write a bit more onto this subject but the energy is just too heavy and too dark and I dont wanna have a bad headache tomorrow. Its associated with something that happen in an unexpected way. I really see someone picking flowers from their garden and giving them to their lover. Fire by BTS, alcohol, tequila, crying because of stress, disappointment, getting back together after 2-3 months of arguing, Maldives, microorganisms (? This person feels a very deep soul connection with you and I believe you do as well. Its an energetic check. If not my friends then who. It really gave me the vibes). The smile is heartwarming awww. they are good with money. I dont see romance, but I see partnership and platonic love. Im hearing Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls, damn yall, your person will see you as one of those girls on TikTok at first. Speaking through my own experience since Im the type of person who wouldve chosen this pile most likely lol. Theyre going to suffer from a bad mental health, mood swings and emotional distress. STRIKE. Please keep in mind this is a very broad and general reading - so not all aspects may resonate with you. Like it seemed important. Something about them is very caring, maybe youll get to see a soft side and youll be shocked. In a good scenario it could be related to a passionate person, with persuasive manners and a charismatic personality. Its not necessarily a bad card, its always associated to an unexpected event, in a good scenario it could mean love at first sight. (Again, sorry for getting a Romanian song. I believe that we are all born with psychic gifts - curious what I feel like yours could be? Dont plagiarize, you were born original, dont die a copy. Some of you are also pretty artsy and you might show them paintings or drawings you made from time to time. I dont think I have to explain how much they will commit to you. This is so sweet I cant, Words->car, maybe we can communicate more?, Im opening up, smile, driver, of course, watch your grades, friendship, trust, no romance, gasoline, 18 years old, understanding, no conflicts. Dont, youll only dry yourself. Look, I love you. I see genuine friendship. Happy holidays if you celebrate it but if not I hope the next two months will be good to you . I tried to create an apposite blog for witchcraft/spiritual stuff but tumblr decided to be a bad bitch and marked my blog as a spammer, so I decided to post this guide here on my main blog. I think that you have a thirst for knowledge and you love to learn new things everyday and this person will respect this a lot. Pick any photo/number from above to get an insight about where your attention should be focused right now, Queen of Pentacles, 4 of Swords, 5 of Cups, Page of Wands, King of Cups. . Looking For Our Oracle Decks, Mystical Goodies, and Thangs? Theyre that deep person, interested in conspiracy theories and unearthing the worlds secrets. Hope you find your clarity soon. For every soulmate reading, I pick 5 cards and in a "Cardinal" way, here how it works : Card 1 - The North who represents the body; Card 2 - The South who represents the intentions and motivations; Card 3 - The East who represents the model of thinking; Card 4 - The West who represents the emotions Death, 9 of Wands, The High Priestess, 10 of Wands, Page of Wands, The Sun, King of Cups, 5 of Wands, Youll see this person as your sun. Argh, life is so hard. You are very very very very very stubborn if you ask me. If you dont, stay mad, lmao. You guys might go through some sort of conflict at first. Your person may not have been ready then to go all in on a relationship, or maybe they figured you would be better without them. Just leave them. Not gonna lie, this person sees you as someone they imagined to have a family with. Its been a while since Ive done one of these so I wanted to come back with a pick-a-card reading for what might be happening in your love life during the month of October! Yeah, they really are trying to block their true personality because theyre too afraid you might say oh shit, ftsio. You both are currently focused on healing and need to spend time alonein order to get to know yourself on deeper level. I know you dont wanna hear this, no one wants to hear this, but I think you will literally hate the hell out of this person. They could also be shorter than you are. (your current energy / near future): What does this person thinks about me? tarot reading: Life lessons tarot reading (how to unlock a situation): Why did we met? North-East Africa and Nigeria popped out in my mind. Your dream can bring you money and can give you a stable/rich life. It would be harder to reach that state than lose your ground if you ask me lol. They see you as someone who was hit very hard by Mother Change and its now very guarded. Something about them is so endearing, even when their minds wandered off somewhere, or when theyve said something a bit too blunt. They couldve been hurt a lot in their lives so expect them to not be very open to new relationships or connections. They may not show how much they care about you while youre together with some friends but they surely talk about you dearly and may like to buy you different things. Ill tell you everything you need to know about your love life using Astrology! They have this need of feeling worthy and it feels like they are sexually attracted to you. ~ Pick-A-Card Reading - 3/18, What is coming next in your love life? Your soulmate is going to be someone with a strong moral sense. In some cases it could mean that someone of your past is going to get back into your life. This type of love they have is pretty toxic in my opinion, but you seem to love when people are obsessed over you. You have been training and preparing for this reunion for lifetimes. Yeah, Im not planning on coming towards you so soon lol, stay mad. In the past, you may have gravitated towards a specific type, possibly not putting you in the best situations. Your decision will be made after a period of introspection in which youll question everything. Yeah you do babygorl/babyboi. Money are very important to you and you really fear that if youll follow your dream, youre not gonna be able to make enough money, but to me honest, total bs. ~ Pick-a-Card. and I totally forgot the lyrics before I searched it up hahaha. They can be into spirituality, really. You also tend to get into relationships because you dont love yourself and you want to know that someone loves you. Although you may choose a certain crystal, that does not necessarily mean that it will be the predominant element in your reading, it just means you may be more drawn to that energy right now. They are very optimistic and they love to take care of living creatures. They will also notice how youre very blunt and very clear about your opinions and ideas. You will need their youthfulness in the future, I feel it. Today we have 3 cards from the Archangel Oracle Deck: Take Back Your Power, Compassion, and Healthy Lifestyle. Ill tell you everything you need to know about your career using Astrology! If this person makes you extremely happy, then expect them to want to marry you. You can find a twin flame or a soulmate in any person you choose, because your destined person already exists in spirit/energy. Their charisma means others forgive them, and usually, they never did mean it maliciously anyways. There is so much confusion in here. You will be very defensive with them and they will be like hey man, I didnt mean to offend you. Before pulling the cards I tried to get as much information through my intuition as possible and I kept seeing the 3 of swords which is funny because the 3 of swords just explained the distance. However this can actually be a good thing as it means that these are more overarching energies of this month. You feel like words arent necessarily but they actually are. Since I knew the answer and I told them the answer that shit turned out to have helped them later that month. Using your intuition, pick a card (left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4) and see what energy is around you this month! Youll think theyre a weirdo and will try to distance yourselves. A very beautiful family, a lot of manifesting, steady partners, old souls, a lot of support from both families, stars, cities, one or two children, living with parents, 90s music, France, Germany, Greenland, Singapore, garden, skiing, buying things for each other, a black dog(possibly a shepherd) and an orange dog, visiting relatives, kids, a man with a deep-raspy voice, country music, Pricaj mi o Ljubavi by Davoli, warm nights, red dress, falling asleep in each others arms, a brunette child, countryside. 7 of Swords, 8 of Swords, Queen of Swords, 2 of Swords, 10 of Wands. Idk, you have a way with words. You dont need to plan so much, you dont need to calculate the odds. With three out of the four tarot cards being Pentacles, your soulmate may be an Earth sign or have a lot of Earth energy in their astrological chart. You might be students who are facing bullying. Dont worry if nothing seems to be happening, it may take a while, but it will be worth the wait. If you are asking if youre on the right path the answer is yes, it suggests that your soul chose a difficult path but youre going to overcame all the obstacles. Pick any picture which feels different to you of Mark Stam and see what characteristics I get from your future spouse. Words->marriage, wedding, Youre my soulmate , lucky, love, I am so proud of you!, happiness, smiling, sweet perfume, alone with you, best friend. Change is change. This person may also be a teacher of some kind or religious leader (make sure that its appropriate if either of these are the case). Its my favorite color. They will appreciate everything you do to keep everything in peace. I have added some cute Japanese erasers to each pile to help you make your decision. The Judgement (XX) : Its a positive card related to resurrection, resolutions, shocking news. There is definitely a possibility that you knew this person in your childhood in this lifetime. They love learning and studying, they might know a couple languages as well. Interested in my cards slapping you full on in the face? The Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Swords, 5 of Swords, Ace of Cups, 8 of Wands, The Fool, The Hermit, While I was channeling the energy my sisters dog came in and she literally put her ass on the cards and now shes sleeping next to one of my cats. Know that whatever YOU believe, is what will be TRUE for you. They have very smooth moves as well. Pluto can be a tricky planet, its connected to karmic lessons and can be challenging keeping on repeat the same lessons again and again until you change the game in a definitive way. Pluto in 6th house: follow a healthy lifestyle, eat well and drink more water, do gym, work on your goals and dedicate your energy to a project or volunteering, connect with animals. WHAT THE FUCK. People who chose this pile seem to be very easily offended and very DEFENSIVE. I get the feeling that you guys will see them as this Richie Rich lmao. They might be a Scorpio rising or have a very strong Scorpio theme in their chart. You could read each others minds. They will for sure want to marry you. You need to make this change in order to feel more free. I hope you cant hear it. 8 of Swords, The Moon, 7 of Swords, Strength, The Emperor, Ace of Swords. I get more about your impression of them than their first impression of you. Ace of Swords, 2 of Cups, The Magician, 4 of Pentacles, The Emperor, Queen of Pentacles, The Hermit, The Devil. The last thing Im picking up for this individual is that theyre quite the love me or leave me type, meaning that theyre not going to change for anyone, they can be rather blunt, and they dont need anyones approval. Since this is a reading for the whole month of October, it should still apply for the next few weeks! If you know this is a habit of yours, I suggest you to calm down, take a deep breath, and think that your actions(the ones taken heartly) have consequences. Follow. They really seem husband material haha (I hope this is what youre looking for). Youll feel guilty about something. Here health plays a big role I feel like some of you may have an allergy which is kinda different from the . , you were born original, dont die a copy. Fr, theyre VERY kind. Some of you have been cheated on recently and are now suffering after their exes, others have been betrayed by someone you really cared about and now you became very closed off. You might meet this person through something art related, maybe one or both of you are artists in your work, or maybe you just really appreciate art and creativity, and thats how you will come together. More submissive. You mightve known this person since kindergarten. Maybe you have feelings for them now, but something about them will make you put them in friendzone and I feel like this will be the best option you will have haha. Heart chakra is extremely important: its like a bridge between lower chakras and higher chakras, expanding its energy youll be able to connect with your higher chakras in a easier way; its connected with pure love, kindness and positive emotions; connecting with your heart youll be more in touch with a deep part of you, dont forget that emotions are extremely important if you want to manifest using the law of attraction. If you would like to get more information on your relationships and soulmates, be sure to purchase a reading from mehere , The feminine will feel this connection more than the masculine. Your person sees you as someone Who went through countless hardships regarding money and health. I suggest you to buy a rose quartz necklace/bracelet (theyre usually cheap) and wear it everyday. You could be a divine couple. It will end up with you not talking to them for 2-3 hours or even blocking them lol. Well get to see where youre headed. ORACLE CARDS: If you want to learn how to read tarots I suggest you to start reading oracle cards before, theyre way easier to read and their meanings are always positive. They may be soft for you. I'm going to HOW TO SPOT TRAUMAS AND FEARS IN A BIRTH CHART pt.1 , Astrology, tarot cards and spiritual services . Read some of Carl Jungs books, trust me, his books really help. I sense that theyre going to be honest (sometimes brutally honest). Four out of the five tarot cards in this reading are in reverse. Aquarius Moon: I DONT KNOW WHY but I noticed that A LOT of lesbian or bisexual girls have this position, maybe because the Moon is connected with motherhood and expressing your femininity in general and Aquarius generates an original and not traditional way to express these qualities. Theyre going to be independent, classy and extremely generous, this person is going to make you feel like every second spent with them is precious and valuable, youre going to be obsessed with them. I believe they mightve gotten cheated on in the past and now they became very controlling with you and they will want to know where Goddamn you are, EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE, which isnt convenient for your independence and your way ofbeing. This person wont be a partner in the future and you probably already know it. They might feel superior at the time and you will feel inferior to them. They fear change. If youre looking for high quality astrology insights or tarot readings just feel free to contact me! I just thought of a possibility. They are someone with a very strong character and full of envy and insecurities. Are you guys that wild? Your soulmate is going to be quite impulsive, stubborn and passionate, this person is going to make crazy things just to make you laugh. I suggest to put The Lovers or The Empress (I prefer The Empress one but you can choose) card under your rose quartz while recharging it. You are very motivated, you got wit and charisma but too much FIRE. Your future spouse might love rock since I couldnt get any non-rock song lmao. The type of life youre dreaming about. Its like you can communicate through telepathy with this person. You seem to want to have a stable life with that someone you like but you feel that they will think youre not their type or that youre boring or fuck knows what. Right off the bat, this person gives me major sagittarius/virgo vibes. You might be an air dominant or be an aqua moon in a mutable house. 4 of Swords, The Hierophant, Knight of Swords, Justice, Queen of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, EXACTLY HOW I SEEN IT LMAO. Idk how to explain but for some reason, I get that one of yall might meet their spouse in a tribunal. They are financially stable and might actually be able to build their own kingdom. They literally see you as the queen of swords. You could have placements in 8th house in synastry or something similar. Maybe youre not really that curious to know about what their first impression of you will be, but rather how they are like as a person. Look, Ive been through some shit lately and I gotta pick myself up. They might wear glasses or have braces. Just because youre an adult it doesnt mean you have to be as serious as a rock , like, chill. I literally listen to my playlists and Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles started playing. Are you wondering if your crush loves you back? They were always going forward no matter what. Your FS will see you as a fighter. For some of you, I get that they might be an ex, but for most, I dont see that kind of thing. Its extremely accurate and insightful. The Star (XVII) : Its all about dreams, good luck, protection and hope. A reading in depth about your next lover, soul mate, future spouse. How are you tho? Some of you might not be used to share stuff with other people so I think that those specific people dont have siblings and are their parents only child. You wouldnt expect this person to smile, Im telling you. I see a nice trip you might organize together at some point, maybe hang out with some friends. Yeah, I dont know what else to say. As this is general, just take what resonates with you. This relationship will really help you to see that everything that may have happened in the past really is for the best. This person will think youre someone very strong. I just told one of my friends about you and they dont believe me when I tell them what kind of person Id like to spend my life with. In negative scenarios this card protects you from the negative cards and suggest you that the obstacles will be solved fast. Pick a card (from left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) using your intuition and find out :) Remember you can have more than one spiritual gift! Did you make your voice heard again? please read these before choosing your pile. You can read some of Jungs books, it could help you understand yourself better. They may also ask for your help a lot, I just heard a soft, deep voice(?) The connection itself isnt toxic or something like that, but damn, those two damn people really like overthinking. You dont need to get into pointless relationships out of boredom or loneliness, you dont need to force yourself to love someone you dont love, because this is only taking your energy away. WORK ON YOUR CONFIDENCE: trusting your intuition is THE KEY to be a powerful witch! Its funny how I can smell some fresh baked cake. They have such a sweet and caring energy, I swear to God. They wont remember anything, I promise. Dont marry young, I beg you. They can literally be a living meme. Very sexual as well and is not good at expressing their emotions. This person will want to have their own family, I really feel that. You just wish for things to happen and think about future possibilities but its not enough. Cinnamon urged her, looking down at the small cookie. You will be instantly attracted to them, Im not joking at all. I know this is extremely short and Im sorry but its all I understood from this situation. They might have black curly hair, you might love it. This reading its insightful if you want to manifest something. Pluto in 4th house: understand and nurture your emotions, heal the relationship with your family, understand your roots and practice unconditional love, heal your inner child, feel a sense of belonging with your community. They possibly faced financial issues in their life and they are very guarded regarding their money so they may seem sometimes selfish for not giving people their stuff/money. This is a powerful number symbolizing unconditional love and trust in the Divine. They love to learn new stuff and they love to practice whatever interests them. Theyre very cute , King of Wands, Page of Swords, 5 of Swords, 9 of Swords, Ace of Cups, Judgement. You're seeing people in relationships and feeling like that . I feel like you had some minor misunderstandings youre worrying about but its alright, because your person is open to communicating. This reading is for those who picked pile 3 with the beautiful dolphin stone. I think its a mutual thing between you. You need to learn how to defend your own ass in the world. If you take anything back into the real world from this reading, I encourage you to expand your type and dont rule out anyone because they arent necessarily who you see yourself being with. You wouldnt have thought theyre capable of something like that. hello, my beautiful lovely followers! Ill tell you in details whay kind of experiences are you attracting right now. This reading is for those who picked pile 1 with the beautiful butterfly stone. I heard mercy. Your person will see that. You need to make more friends and gain support from them while you work hard on those dreams. As I said, it wont be something VERY serious like in Pile 1 and 2. Person A is afraid of person Bs rejection and person B is afraid of person As rejection. Anyway, if you are not involved in the occult, then you need to trust your intuition and go with the flow and stop trying to force the universe to give things which arent good for you. I really want that happy ever after thing from Shrek and I know Im gonna get it, but still, I wanna let you know since you seem more pessimistic than me haha. Ive been working A LOT, you got no idea how much I worked my ass this year. They can be an activist, fr. Check him out btw, Now, because spirit keeps on telling me I need to make more FS Ill be writting another PAC on which you will go and pick either A or B based on the pile you choose in this PAC. Some of you might have different religions. Yeah, fuck it. 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