mohamedou ould slahi wife and son

All I can tell you is to tell the truth. They hugged. At first, Salahi was relievedhe assumed that the Americans had come to understand his irrelevance to 9/11 and the Millennium Plot, and that he was being sent back to Mauritania. Salahi saw a mentally ill old man subjected to this method. But I wasnt the decider. Though Salahi was a skilled electrician, he hired Yacoub to fix his TV. He was forced to swallow salt water, and, every few minutes, the men packed ice cubes between his clothes and his skin. They really know who is who, and, as a result, they were very reluctant to torture me. His electronic files will be deleted from the computer, his paper files will be packed up. By now, Wood was no longer dating Summers mother. I told him I have no problem with the Jews, either, man. He now has two American clients, whom he helps to navigate personal and professional woes through weekly Skype meetings. But he derived immense satisfaction from the work, and saw in it the kind of moral clarity that Guantnamo had lacked. He didnt harbor any particular animosity toward Muslims, but he had absorbed his mothers belief: If its not from Jesus then it must be from the Devil. After completing the requirements to become an M.P., Wood enrolled in a criminal-justice program at a nearby community college. It was a temporary facility, he explained, while he raises money to build a mosque. Soon afterward, Wood learned that the imam, a Somali immigrant who practiced a conservative strain of Islam known as Salafism, had been the subject of F.B.I. The lesson seemed to be that the right mix of atonement and seniority in a terrorist organization can give the kind of leverage that is unavailable to men like Salahi. Guantnamo Diary and the American Slave Narrative. His very existence will become erased. And Mohamedou probably thought I was thinking the same thingthat, to me, he was just a job, and nothing more. So, during one of his final shifts, Wood broke protocol and showed Salahi a photo of Summer. But I changed my mind after Guantnamo, he told me. Nevertheless, he spent 14 years of captivity in America's notorious Guantanamo Bay prison,. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a Mauritanian who lived briefly in Montreal, has launched a $30-million lawsuit against the federal government. Abu Hafs ascended to Al Qaedas Shura Council, where he served as bin Ladens personal adviser on Sharia law. Summer/Autumn 2015. Before his deployment, he had aspired to become a police officer. He wasnt sure what he wanted out of the visithe knew only that curiosity eclipsed his misgivings. The punishment for talking to another detainee was to be hung by the wrists, feet barely touching the ground. Salahi agreed, and Abu Hafs wired around four thousand dollars to his German account. Government officials suggested that Yee was running an elaborate spy ringthat he and other Muslims had infiltrated the military, and represented the gravest insider threat since the Cold War. My interest is not to be tortured, he said. He was very silly. As he read about Islamic history, he began to seek clarity in the Quran itself. Guantanamo Bay prisoner Mohamedou Ould Slahi discusses his story being adapted as "The Mauritanian", alongside fmr. For the next two months, Abu Hafs taught jihadi recruits at a madrassa. Mohamedou Ould Slahi's Guantnamo Diary is at least the fifth autobiography by a Guantnamo prisoner. No adult in Woods life had ever looked so frightened and so vulnerable. Mohamedou Ould Slahi was sent to his home country of Mauritania after 14 years of imprisonment. Im now in Canada, attending a mosque where we believe a very dangerous group is attending. And, because it was Ramadan, Salahi was leading prayers. But a friend helped him find work installing Internet routers for a telecommunications company. No, Im an ex-prisoner of Guantnamo Bay, Salahi replied, instantly ending the conversation. When Mohamedou Ould Slahi walked away, unshackled, from a U.S. military plane in Nouakchott, Mauritania, the author of Guantnamo Diary hoped he was finally free. He was belted so tightly that he struggled to breathe, but he didnt have the English vocabulary to tell the guards. According to government records, the letter referred to the administrative and logistical difficulties her presence would present in this previously all-male prison environment, implying that she would be raped. I felt so bad, and kept praying silently, Nothings gonna happen to you dear brother.. We knew he wasnt a threat. Where once he had struggled to forgive himself for enjoying Salahis company, he now felt bad about having to lock the door at the end of each shift. It was kind of like, We aint gonna beat you ourselves, but you know where you are! So I knew the FBI wanted to interrogate me under the pressure and threat of a non-democratic country., On February 19, 2000, Abdellahi let him go home. Salahi told him that he was now home. They drove up to the stairs of an airplane, but, Salahi wrote, he was so exhausted, sick, and tired that I couldnt walk, which compelled the escort to pull me up the steps like a dead body.. They kept him in alternately hot and cold cells, blasted him with strobe lights and heavy-metal music, and poured ice water on him. He said, Canada is amazingthere is no racism, they speak French, and it is just a very advanced country, Salahi said years later, in a U.S. military hearing. They drove to the airport in silence, in Abdellahis black Mercedes. The Bush Administration had decided that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to the war on terror, which meant that the men captured abroad could be deprived of the rights of prisoners of war. But it wasnt enough; the government wanted him to link other people in Canada to various plots. According to Fallon, The Northern Alliance would jam so many detainees into Conex shipping containers that they started to die of suffocation. Bush Administration lawyers had taken the position that enemy combatants could be held indefinitely, without trials, and that in order for something to qualify as torture it must be equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death. By the end of the following year, Salahi knew more about classified security operations than any private American citizen. The Mauritanian tells the true story of Mohamedou Ould Salahi - played by Tahar Rahim in a Bafta-nominated turn - a man from the northwestern African state of the title, whose tenuous. In time, Yee came to believe that Islam was systematically used as a weapon against the prisoners. Guards mocked the call to prayer, and manipulated Islamic principles of modestyby having female guards watch naked detainees in the showers, for exampleto create tension as an excuse to exact violence. Defense attorneys have accused the government of denying them access to evidence, leaving secret recording equipment in client meeting rooms, and infiltrating their legal teams; a few years ago, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who may face the death penalty, recognized a linguist on his own defense team from a C.I.A. Even if the military believed he was innocent, he figured that he knew too much about classified torture programs to be let out into the world. One day, Salahi started requesting paper from his guards. His proximity to so many events and high-level jihadi figures could not be explained by coincidence, they thought, and only a logistical mastermind could have left so faint a trail. The decision to simultaneously protect and detain Al Qaeda members was apparently made by Irans spy chief, Qassem Suleimani. All I had were some numbers of business partners in Mauritania and Germany, he later wrote, but I didnt want the U.S. government harassing those peaceful people just because I had their numbers in my phone. One of the contacts was listed as P.C. She told me that she thought he was doing something really dangerousthat people might think Steve was sympathetic to someone who was involved in 9/11, and go after him, her, and their baby daughter. ), In October, 2004, Woods girlfriend gave birth to a daughter, Summer. Another dissonance was that Salahis eloquent orations on fundamental human rights stopped short of confronting a reality that Wood noticed on the second day: as guests of Mauritanian lites, they were served lavish meals by people who appeared to be slaves. Although Wood had introduced himself to Salahi as Stretch, his nickname from the sawmill, Salahi had quickly learned his real name, as well as those of the other guards. explained to Wood that the current guard force called Detainee 760 Pillow, because when they had arrived, several months earlier, a pillow was the only object in his possession. What would we tell the Mauritanians? the diplomat replied. Btihal Remli for The New York. For seventy-six days, he lived in solitary confinement, in a cold cell with surveillance cameras and the lights always on. But because Slahi remains in US custody, unlike the others, his is the only first-person account that the government had the power to redact. She is my life. He wore a broad smile and a white jumpsuit, and moved cautiously toward Wood. Over dinner, they explained that they were heading east, for the jihad. But he did not consider himself a member of Al Qaeda, or a facilitator of its operations. WASHINGTON - The U.S. government has transferred Mohamedou Ould Slahi to his native Mauritania, where he is to be reunited with his family. This winter, Steve Wood set off for Mauritania. When Salahis lawyers wrote to him, asking that he inform them of everything he had told the government, he wrote back, Are you out of your mind! He walked into the sleeping area and found Salahi lying in the fetal position, shaking. Then, and on at least one other occasion, a member of Al Qaedas Shura Councilits leadershipwired some four thousand dollars to Salahis bank account in Germany; Salahi withdrew the cash and handed it to men who were travelling to West Africa, to facilitate what the Americans assessed to be money-laundering and telecommunications projects for al-Qaida., In 1999, the Shura member called Salahi, but U.S. intelligence didnt know what his instructions were. According to one of Salahis brothers, Abdellahi told the family that Salahi was being kept in a detention facility in the desert, far from Nouakchott. In the dark you create things out of what little you have., Had I done what they accused me of, I would have relieved myself on day one, Salahi wrote in his diary. Wood contacted one of Salahis lawyers, using a made-up name and a new e-mail address, to inquire about Salahis well-being and the status of his case. The leadership at Guantnamo was more interested in intelligence collection than in prosecuting detainees for terrorism crimes. The first rumors of a planes operation began circulating among Al Qaeda leaders in 1999. Several young men mentioned Salahi as a contact in Germany. At that time, Slahi was seen as one of the most important detainees at Guantanamo with allegations that he had helped organise the 9/11 attacks. . When Wood told the old man that he had worked at Guantnamo Bay, the man suggested that he keep it to himself. came to much the same conclusion.) And Jodie Foster, 58, was spotted enjoying some. Case of Mohamedou Ould Slahi. The Ambassador called Nouakchott, and the foreign minister ordered the Embassy to fabricate a passport, using a fake name. At an event, I exchanged phone numbers with an extremely submissive server who was dressed in ragged clothes and had a cloudy, damaged eye. (His name was actually Richard Zuley; he was a Chicago police detective, working as a military contractor, who has an extensive record of abusing suspects until they confessed to crimes that they hadnt committed. The detainee introduced himself as Mohamedou Salahi, then reached for a handshake, and said, Whats up, dude?. Eventually, one of the interrogators told Salahi that he was going to be sent to Mauritania for more questioning. Walid was a prodigious poetin Nouakchott, he had won several awardsand when bin Laden met him he was impressed by his eloquence and conviction. As the result of a recent court ruling, Guantnamo detainees had access to legal representation, and so, during the next several months, Salahi drafted a diary of his detention as a series of harrowing letters to his lawyers, Nancy Hollander, Sylvia Royce, and Theresa Duncanfour hundred and sixty-six pages, sealed in envelopes and mailed to a classified facility near Washington, D.C. No guards or interrogators were allowed to read Salahis work. Salahis freedom became a strain on Woods marriage. In 1967, Martin Seligman, a twenty-four-year-old Ph.D. student in psychology, conducted an experiment that involved delivering electric shocks to dogs in various states of restraint. He started in on the books he had been too afraid to request in Guantnamoones about Islam. Three years into his captivity Slahi began a diary, recounting his life before he disappeared into U.S. custody and daily life as a detainee. On December 19th, Abu Hafs boarded a bus in Quetta, carrying a fake passport and a suitcase full of cash. Abu Hafs, however, regarded the Pakistanis as duplicitous. At the beginning, Mohamedou wanted to be docile and sweet, he said. But with these people you cannot be likable. He was left for hours in the Caribbean sun. He just said, Dude, they fucked me up.. A security guard handed him a filthy black turban, to hide his face during the drive to the secret-police headquarters. See if you think his captivity was just. Where is Abu Hafs? one of them asked. Why is standing limited to 4 hours? he wrote in the margin, referring to a proposed stress position. I pictured my family already having prepared the Iftar fast-breaking food, my mom mumbling her prayers while duly working the modest delicacies, everybody looking for the sun to take its last steps and hide beneath the horizon, Salahi wrote. Few locals spoke French, but since the country had been arbitrarily drawn up as a vast, mostly desert territory, populated by numerous ethnic groups who spoke different languages, there was no alternative for official documentation. ), One night, Salahi awoke to the sound of a tiny hole being drilled into his wall. The interrogations always circled back to the Millennium Plot. I came to Canada with a plan to blow up the CN Tower in Toronto, Salahi wrote, in one of his many confessions. Wood walked through the camp to Echo Special proud to be part of a serious national-security operation. Bet youll think twice next time about saying you know me, he said, laughing. Around that time, after a long period without contact, Abu Hafs called Salahi from bin Ladens satellite phone. There was a famous Mauritanian poet named Taki, the former minister of communications, the current Mauritanian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. He left the Oregon National Guard, and started working night shifts at a twenty-four-hour gym near Portland. Mohamedou Ould Salahi was born in late December, 1970, the ninth child of a Mauritanian camel herder and his wife. . The prosecutor assigned to Salahis case was a lieutenant colonel named Stuart Couch, who had retired from the military before 9/11. One day, after an interrogator kicked a Quran across the floor, detainees organized a mass suicide attempt. Later that summer, Abu Hafs wrote a twelve-page dissent, but bin Laden bristled at his defiance, and the objections of other Al Qaeda leaders, and moved forward. were entering a period of self-reflection; during the next several years, internal and congressional investigations would expose many of the worst abuses that had been inflicted on Salahi and other men in custody. Its their citizen, and its their country.. It was January 11, 2002. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, the author of an internationally bestselling memoir that detailed the torture he endured as a detainee in Guantnamo Bay, says he has been denied a passport by. It will look worse.. He tried to sleep, but his mind was racing with the expectation of torture at dawn. It was a grand compound, white stone decorated with lavish carpets and chandeliers. (He escaped through a kitchen door.) Still, Salahi found his Jordanian interrogators to be highly knowledgeable, and they developed a kind of mutual respect. English was his fourth language. I executed orders. The guards also brought him books from the library, including the Bible, which he had requested, he wrote, because I wanted to study the book that must more or less have shaped the lives of the Americans.. While he was held at Gitmo, Slahi was repeatedly tortured in an . Last May, one of Salahis cousins posted a note on Facebook that referred to Woods conversion. Abdellahi had bought him a new outfit, but Salahi had refused to eat, and the fabric was loose on his shoulders. Walid, who was sixteen, stayed behind. How did they do it?. When he discovered the forged letter from Zuleys team, saying that the United States had captured Salahis mother, he resigned from the case. In the eighties, he and a younger cousin, a slender poet named Mahfouz Ould al-Walid, spent their evenings at a local caf, where the owner showed videos of the Palestinian struggle and the jihad in Afghanistan, which the Soviet Union had invaded in 1979. He also believed that Slahi's interrogators had broken the law tormenting him physically and sexually, and. Zuley read Salahi a letter, later shown to be forged, stating that his mother was in U.S. custody and might soon be transferred to Guantnamo. They stripped, and rubbed their bodies all over his, and threatened to rape him. But the C.I.A., which spent the next few years shuffling its high-value detainees among so-called black sites in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe, had seen fit to transfer him into military custody. They prayed together, ate together, and enjoyed a picnic of bread and tea in the dunes of the Sahara. He recalled his political views as being whatever Fox News told us. He didnt know the difference between a Hindu, a Sikh, and a Muslimhe had never met one. Mauritania is an Islamic republic, with rich traditions in poetry and recitation that belie its dismal rates of literacy and economic growth. In the spring of 1999, French intelligence officers asked their Canadian counterparts if they could question Ressam about jihadi activities in Europe, but the Canadians couldnt locate him, because he had entered the country on a fake passport. Salahi was terrified. He walked into the morning sunlight in a daze, unable to reconcile his impression of the man in Echo Special with the depiction of the terrorist in the dossier. Oct. 17, 2016. There, Abu Hafs spent two months in custody, as a formality. Echo Special was a trailer that had been divided in two. Soon afterward, Steve and Wendy separated. Striking horror, panic, and fear in the hearts of the enemies of Allah is a divine commandment. He added that American citizens should blame their law-enforcement and intelligence agencieswith their satellites, ground stations, millions of spies, and huge budgetsfor the fact that the hijackers had found a security breach as big as a whole fleet of hijacked civilian aircraft, and managed to shove Americas nose into the ground.. That May, U.S. Navy Seals killed bin Laden, and collected more than a million documents from his compound in northern Pakistan; among them was a letter from Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, seeking the central leaderships blessing to enter into a secret agreement with the Mauritanian government. He grabbed his shortwave radio. For the rest of the interrogation session, he was forced to look at photos of corpses from the aftermath of the attacks. Herrington later reported that the interrogators were unsure of the real names of more than half the detainees. When Abu Hafs reached Quetta, in Pakistan, he found the citys private hospital filled with injured Al Qaeda members. He found it almost impossible to reconcile the news coverage of Guantnamo Bay with what he had witnessed there. Salahis detainee dossier lists his reasons for transfer to Guantnamo: to provide information on the Al Qaeda training camp he had attended in 1992; a separate Afghan militia, which had received substantial backing from the C.I.A. VIDEO The Mauritanian: Mohamedou Ould Slahi on his 14 years in Guantanamo After 9/11 he was imprisoned and tortured by the US yet never charged with a crime. Salahi landed in Montreal on November 26, 1999. Eventually, Salahi understood that bin al-Shibh was one of the three men who had stayed at his apartment in Germany for a night, in October, 1999; the other two had become 9/11 hijackers. The U.S. government gathered that in 1991, when Salahi was twenty, he swore allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and the following year he learned to handle weapons at an Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. He identified himself as Captain Collins, a Navy officer who had been sent to Guantnamo by the White House. Later, Salahi moved to Germany, where, the Americans assessed, his primary responsibility was to recruit for al-Qaida in Europe. Among his alleged recruits were three of the 9/11 hijackers, all of whom served as pilots on separate planes. An elderly white convert warned him to avoid a couple of other white converts, who dressed in religious clothing and talked about wanting to participate in the jihad. Salahi called the police to report that his neighbors were spying on him, but they told him that he should just cover the cameras with glue. He let you down! An interrogation memo listed plans to shave Salahis head and beard, dress him in a burqa, and make him bark and perform dog tricks, to reduce the detainees ego and establish control.. Nice to meet you, Wood said. LadenGerman for computer shopand he figured that, to the Americans, Laden would be a red flag. When Wood tried to search for 760 in Guantnamos detainee database, he found nothing. In October 2016 he made it home after 14 years in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, where the U.S. government had imprisoned and tortured him as a suspected terrorist. Salahi noted that Steve snores likehow do you call it?a steam train.. But Wood spent his days in the base library, researching topics that Salahi had brought up in the cell. Later that day, Neely and his partner brought an elderly detainee to the holding area and forced him to his knees. Yacoub climbed into the passenger seat. But, when the new commander asked Stuart Herrington, a retired colonel and Army intelligence officer, to assess operations at the facility, Herrington found that most interrogators lacked the training and the experience required to be effective. His order for release in 2010 was appealed by the Obama administration, and resulted in another six years in the camp. Back to the airport in silence, in Abdellahis black Mercedes computer shopand he figured,. Before his deployment, he hired Yacoub to fix his TV interrogations always circled back to the Americans assessed his. The jihad we believe a very dangerous group is attending he explained while... But a friend helped him find work installing Internet routers for a company... To simultaneously protect and detain Al Qaeda members Hafs, however, regarded the Pakistanis as.... Is not to be docile and sweet, he was left for hours in the fetal,... After a long period without contact, Abu Hafs spent two months Abu. 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