james white alpha omega tattoo

The Book of the Annals of the Kings of Israel T.A. Barry: Without knowing who linked the jamesrwhite.org website to Catholic Answers, any discussion of why it was done is pure speculation. When that is combined with explicit teaching of a superior human caste that controls and defines truth for such an entity, you have no rational ability to differentiate between that and any other political schema aimed at raw authoritarianism. I believe that makes you my sibling. Actually, I like Foxy sounds more appealing not to mention, seductive! He is a Pastor/Elder of Apologia Church in Arizona. Then dont buy your own, because its no better. Has anyone ever heard of James White making a single mistake? CareBear: 1. What can I say to that, in clear conscience? The Circuits and Teachings of the Apostles That is why Inocencio wants to buy his action figure with a Cowboy hat! About What part of him as done the deed must fess up does the Reform lot not understand??? Third, it actually produces a queasy feeling in my gut when I spend a couple of hours trying to put together a good, meaningful post, that expresses legitimate disappointment in the theocracy (definitely a theocracy) promoted by Rome, only to have it thrown off as utter nonsense. Wasnt there a guy who was good at this, whats his nameChick or something? Ergo, your proposition doesnt make sense, and dont try to rob the situation of its context again. doesnt seem to perceive the inconsistency of their own message. What does Constantine have to do with Henry VIIs control of the Church of England? That you are a child of God, a much loved child of God. This is DISHONEST folks! Tell me did James White even deal with the issues? In Christ. Why dont you try to explain it in plain English? Couldnt call him out on sloppy usage. Roman Catholics differ on as many issues as Protestant Evangelicals do. I mean Islamic fundementalist do not follow the Quran only, in fact there is only one group that I know of that follow the Quran only, and that is a peaceful group called the submitters. I have a responsibility to serve both Jimmy Akin and Dr. White. Did they somehow ressurect in order to be photographed and used by James White to make an ironic statement? Ive been defending the posting of these pictures.. Hort were unsaved heretics, Here is an excellent 17:21 minute video He did not so admit. CareBear, Catholic Answers is more thoughtful in what they do and Im more than certain that they wouldnt sink down to CareBears level and commit something as underhanded as that! Why would any Protestant create a phony link and then have a Catholic post the link???. Any further discussion will have to wait as Im heading to bed soon. Ok, does this mean that bright minds need no longer feel a need to respond to JW? The Earlier Epistle of John Also, its interesting how in your most recent comment, you have excluded the White disciple; therefore, would it be unreasonable for me to concluded now that you are pointing the finger at Catholics, since they would be the one, based on what youve been implying here and on the other thread, with the malicious intents? 5 days and counting and no one has interacted with Dr. Whites points. I have heard White and Akin interact and it was professional and courteous on both sides. 2) Some persons suggest that Mr. Whites manner of criticizing Dr. Beckwith is wanting in the Charity that he, as member and especially as a leader in the Christian church, is obliged to handle matters with. Why did I choose to follow the pope? There are actually folks who judge a person innocent merely based on an assumption. CareBear, Yes, to an extent they did. However, I think it is important to note that White was making an analogy. Wow. Pope John Paul the Great did not wait for his would-be assasin to repent before he forgave him. God is love. By accepting Whites actions as the just due that is neither just nor due (unless you truly understand Gods intentions here), we rise above the muck and elicit the surprise of every mudskipper and bottom-dweller that never could. Esau attempts to keep up with me point for point for simply not agreeing with him, but he wont apply the same category error he does to James White to this fellow here, Edward. In other words, if I have a list of books I say was divinely inspired and you have a different (although overlapping) list of books that you say was divinely inspired, which (if either) is the correct list, and how does one make that determination? You should, by your own authority (since you dont acknowledge that of the Church), re-consider all the books that are currently in the bible, but also, in addition, take up all those other books that the Catholic Church rejected time and again in the Councils of Rome (382 AD), Hippo (393 AD) and Carthage (397 AD). Since when is it anyones duty to prove innocence? I ask this with great personal fear, being myself guilty. 2. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a person who is mentally deranged: insane actions; an insane asylum. OK, let me see if I get what the White supporters are saying: Since Mr White has chosen to make the south end of a northbound horse out of himself, by posting the kind of garbage that would shame a longshoremanSince he has done this, after a zillion & a half other similar tricks, we all need to???? This is amazing, the trent thing wasnt the real issue at all. love God who doesn't love sinners!, Faith is the only So, if you are in search of a compact alpha omega tattoo then why not try out this design? I dont think these sorts of debates at all useful, even if I like the thinking of the debater. The Revelation of Zechariah And mayb3e a little too much moral relativism going on here too. If you are going to consider White calling a man a bald-faced lair a real issue. We deserve the ridicule of White like good children deserve cake. Anon, I mean he basically says that the only reason the Church doesnt kill their opponents today is because it doesnt have a strong political stronghold, implying that the church would murder if it did. Someone replied that it is. Again, there are far more effective ways to communicate that one perceives an inconsistency. Charity does not write someone off as a moron who is simply impervious to our brand of truth. Dehumanizing your opponent is jihadi-think. Ed, I wasnt looking in a mirror. They make the divide wider, thereby reassuring those on both sides that they dont have to take seriously the other side or those on it. For if what James White is doing is wrong, then it is wrong all the time, not just selectively so -as in it is bad when their guys do it but when our guys do it, well we will either not say anything, support them verbally, or even financially promote them and their work. Soon as White says Look, Im sorry Ill be cool with im. StubbleSparks epiphany for the day: Foxfier, Lets just say certain quarters will be talking after this program! I am both edified and humbled. Oh, you mean like accusing someone of a logical fallacy, which you never did substantiate? So we cant just sit back with the radical Muslim theme itself but have to flow with the artists changes as well. We should storm heaven with prayers for his conversion. Interesting to note that CareBear has attempted to make this out to be a Protestant v. Romanist affair by his deliberate use of pejorative terms (e.g., the Roman Catholic fanbois, those who follow the guy with the pointy hat) with the calculated effect to invoke the age-old prejudice. Would there be reason for outrage if, instead of Catholicky things photoshopped onto the pictures, a pro-abort pasted pro-life sayings? Way towhat did yall do anyway? Heyif Im going to be a member of Akins Crewcan I at least get the T-shirt? Mary (continued sorry for the length but I am just trying to be responsive here), Taking your word that hes wrong is something no one should be prepared to do. Jesus or Paul? Who or why is an open question but to claim as some here have that it is a conspiracy to make you all look bad. All I see is Esau flinging accusations at the disciples of White and ChurchMouse providing an avenue for him to substantiate his ad hominem claims, ergo your stattement doesnt make alot of sense, and just looks like random finger pointing in order to discredit ChurchMouse without ever having to deal with any of the issues. Jesus did not write, in a physical sense, any of the books that are included in Holy Scripture surely He could have nade it clear to even the most dense of us (me). 1. I dunno if this is all about James white for you, or displaying the bias you have towards all Muslims. The intention of the radical Muslim who beheads is to bring death to those whom they disagree with. It was a pretty hard question to answer as you might imagine. Good for you! Not all Muslims are terrorists, no matter how much you presume them to be. Carebear is right if you dont act like that then you are not included so dont worry about it. Jonathan, that last little tidbit is an argumentum ad populum and should be recanted. Not only that, but attributing negative intention to Catholics for what they themselves contributed to. The most unbiblical thing in the world would be a belief in a vague and purely spiritual church. White debates on these very subjects yet I havnt seen someone raise their hand and say I listened to him and hes full of hot air and heres why. Theres way more to Sola Scriptura then that, but what was cited was enough. 10:16). Actually, if he was influencing my kids and drawing people away from truth; you bet I would, in a flash. Dr White has created something that has the structure of a joke (he has joke competence), but it is not realized as a joke by a large portion of the audience (he has failed to elicit humor competence). Re: the photo mentioned above that Dave Armstrong posted; he apologized for it and replaced it. Although I think that Mr. White could find a use for one if he had a packet of pins handy. New Testament Reliability -Can you trust the Bible? 37For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned., Of course, he knew it would work out well for him in any case. I am one who in fact still holds a debt against someone who once intentionally did me great harm and never repented. He chose many disciples. What you claim to be tired of is your own gnosis, your own personal determination of what I said. Perhaps we should not rail Mr. White. Did Jesus Offer Himself on the Cross as a Willing Sacrifice for the Sins of Gods People? another oh Doing evil that good might result is not I mean if you look at whites newest post he has a picture of a troll on in it! But at least I am not as bad as some of the others here. Something to keep his mind occupied from the horror. taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised Romans 10 Of course, such isnt true of God, so this really isnt that important an issue. I was under the impression that White would attempt to score a cheap victory without dealing with the substantive issues, which he did. This is why the same man who wants you to call him Dr. when he doesnt have a real doctorate, wants you to declare his photo-shopped pics humorous when anyone with good sense will see that they are borne of animus and not levity. Don Imus intended his racist comment about nappy-headed h*s as a joke. Call him again Johnathan. But just as He is prepared to forgive, so are we to be so prepared. That is in plain English. Acts 13:38&39 It was St. Ignatius (50-107 A.D.) appointed Bishop of Antioch by Saint Peter, who first used the Greek word Katholicos, meaning universal, when referring to the Church founded by Christ; this he did in order to distinguish the True Church, already being preached throughout the world, from heretical churches that had arisen. No, youre assuming Im assuming that Catholic Answer is stupid and that my friend is presumptious. But I dont think it *hurts* anyone to debate apologetics in this thread, Mr. Spock. The general consensus is that White is an idot and does not know what he is doing. How do you know that those books are, in fact, Scripture? I share it. CA should be able to block any incoming connections that contain a referral from jamesrwhite.org. BUT I do think he exxagerrated this one. I was just trying to find the IP addy to see if I could find ownership that way. If youre a sola scriptura person, also include where in the Bible you find it. Esau, if youre still around, help me out, brutha. James White asked some legitimate and tough questions. There it says punishment is sufficient, now forgive. You can defend Whites use of those photos, but as a consequence, dont be surprised when people dont want to engage in discussion with you or White. In the interview Beckwith never indicated that he had ever read trent, he assumed that everyone knew he did but what he said would easily give you the impression that he hadnt read it. We deserve the pictures. But if the slurs came so thick and fast that the atmosphere was just unbearable, then again Id have to end the encounter. The debate Mr Akin says is now over never started because he refuses to debate Dr White in any substantive manner and has for some time. 44 You are of your father the devil: and the desires of your father you will do. I think Bill can relax now since we now have confirmation that Churchmouse all along has been pointing the finger at Catholics, as stated for the record in her latest comments: Okay, CareBear, tell me then, which books do you consider inspired and tell me exactly why???? I disagree. Does it convey the information that you claim that he wants to convey, namely If you believe that, go re-read this thread. Such words are comforting both to us and to our opponents, for they convince us of our rightness and our opponents of our wrongness. Thats CareBears very first sentence on this thread. Good grief, arent we all Christians, here?! Im still waiting for refuation of the arguments I posted and you for you to stuble upon the definition of ad hominem. About Im not fighting with anyone. Dont poisen the well. There phone # is (951) 242-4988. It is standard practice in many Internet circlesbecause of the inflammatory nature of this comparison and its tendency to start flame wars and shut down rational discussionto regard anyone who makes such a comparison (unless you are talking about real-life Nazis or mass murderers) as having automatically lost the debate in question. And, as he is becoming more stupid, I can only imagine it as a sign that he is moving closer to Rome. White counterattacks by humorously likening those who disagree with his actions/statements to Islamic extremists. My point is: God (both the Father and the Word) are eternal, unchanging and extemporal. [14][15], White often engages in public debate, having participated in more than 170 public moderated debates,[16][17] covering topics such as Calvinism, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Mormonism, Infant baptism[18] the King James Only movement, Jehovah's Witnesses, and atheism. Heh James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. 2023 Alpha and Omega Ministries. Some of us believe that Jesus fed the 4,000 with a few fish and seven loaves through a miracle of God. White is ridiculing people for asking him to be charitable. Just curious In the meantime, weve pushed this thread up near 750. bill912: huh? It started with the Creation, continues to the Garden of Eden with its Tree of Knowledge, the flood, the Ark of the Covenant, Sodom and Gomorra, the Paschal lamb, the kingship of David, the bronze serpent, the bones of Elisha, the mud and spit used by Christ, Christs shadow, Christs very body and blood, the Apostles, the Church, the tribulations, the seals broken in Heaven, the water, the fire, the war between good and evil, and the marriage between Christ and His Church. The poster in question had to go down the entire page in order to post a reply; he mischaracterized a large number of posts in order to make his point, which is that he believes the indignation is too thick, and disagrees with the entire point of the post. Yet people who claim to be his friends are refusing to attempt to help him. Shane, That would be tedious. To excuse that as gallows humor is an insult to those who put themselves on the line and have valid claim to gallows humor. Apologies for not being clearer in my statement earlier. May 13, 2019 - Explore Sam Roberts's board "Alpha omega tattoo" on Pinterest. Christ did not choose only one disciple. Thank you so much for your answer! Your praise of impassive precision of logic and scholarly conduct implies a similar sensibility though one hardly in keeping with the horrendous taste and judgment of Whites joke.. SOURCE: James White - Wikipedia Just how have I lied, CareBear? James Robert White is a Baptist theologian,[1] the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, an evangelical Reformed Baptist Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona and a Christian scholar. full stop. When we apply these considerations to Scripture, we are able to see that canon (infallible) is a neccessary result of Gods freely chosen act of inspiration. Ill choose to not read Dr. Whites book at this time. 42 Pins 5y T Collection by Tattoomaze Similar ideas popular now Tattoos Faith Tattoo Tattoo Designs And Meanings Tattoos With Meaning Chi Rho Tattoo Tattoo Art Tattoo Quotes Sacred Heart Tattoos Jesus Tattoo Old Symbols Religious Tattoos When you are as close to the Catholic argument as they have to be, you realize one thing. And just what is right and wrong? White rips Beckwith, ignoring the likelihood that someones thoughts on a topic may change over time. and a D.M. NEVER!!!! After all, if its a good enough argument for your position, then it should be good enough for my position, right? And plenty of it. No one will doubt the sufficiency of Divine testimony to establish the fact of inspiration; on the other hand, no one can deny the need of such testimony in order that we may distinguish with certainty between an inspired and a non-inspired book. Therefore, there will be that many fewer OSAS Protestants and the likelihood that they will perish in Hell for not accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior (as per the normative forms of the OSAS). And Mark 11, If you hold ANYTHING against ANYONE, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. We are all searching for Gods way, and all who are RC, OC, or Protestant know that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, but we all seem to have a different understanding of how to live that promise. Isnt this the kind of answers that Roman Catholic apologists hate? I dont think Catholic answers likes JamesrWhite.org tied(or whatever you call it in this case) to their website. But youd come up with something, Im sure. How does one handle the existing situation where different people/groups disagree on what books are a part of the Canon? We just dont believe that it each of us is free to interpret every word that it contains. Well, OK: Im surprised that they didnt realize that someone was bound to check. Since when is it anyones duty to prove innocence? Here is a man, White, who sought and received doctoral credentials from an institution that is not regionally accredited and has none of the attributes one associates with excellence in theological research. Im rolling laughing right now at the ignoring of the points raised and the new points being purported like the earlier ones arent even there or assuming they are defacto wrong. Does the Bible come with an owners manual? Thats the last time I even bother reading these comments. God inspires, and the canon expresses the limitation of that action. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. When I was graduating from my Baptist Seminary, I heard of a small group like that about thirty miles away. Essentially they are contending about something that shouldnt even be an issue. I dont see the comparison between what Jimmy did and what White did. I seem to remember you having a rather extended time to present your case and failing to do so convincingly before Dr White got frustrated and did I think wrongly hang up on you. The Revelation of Elias Posted by: Foxfier | Aug 14, 2007 1:10:05 PM The second hole is that your comment was in no way a response to mine. I mean, what do you tell people who stumble onto the site looking for theological answers who have never heard of James White? Lets try this again. If you believe that, go re-read this thread. You can apply any law you want, it doesnt mean its valid. I like this blog a lot and Jimmy personally (from what I know of him, I never met him) which promote a false understanding of what it Biblically means to repent. I am the vine, you are the branches. One thing is certain: But, fineGreg does have half a point (even as he remains metaphysically convinced of Whites sinlessness in the photoshop matter): the domain name thing is stupid and childish. AOMIN App Was his audience limited to Catholics? Perhaps you should all look to your own for blanket, ad hominem attacks against Roman Catholicism proper. CareBear, ChurchMouse, What Does a Christian Need to Know About Islam? Here is a compilation of some of the best alpha omega tattoos: Jamie has over 10 years experience as both a journalist and professional tattooist, working for some of the biggest brands in the UK. I dont see why everyone else (necessarily) has mediated knowledge. The Prayer of Joseph Gwen, go back to the post I quoted. I cant name one error, despite publically exclaiming you have made many, but give me three months of research and I will get back to you.. You have said multiple times (quoting Dr. White) that God would divinely reveal the Canon. I implore Dr. White to revise his pictures. CareBear says It predated the physical writing of the OT, and it predated the physical writing of the NT. If he did it intentionally, that would make him a liar. Of course, Akin has been avoiding doing a real debate since he lost the only one we have done (on KIXL), and he seems to likewise be using this so as to have an excuse to keep hiding from that challenge.. If the RCC and its apologists are so concerned with charity, why do they not seriously deal with the issues that are presented by Protestant apologists such as James White instead of just insisting that everyone blindly follow the church without any kind of examination of the facts so that people will not be confused and misinformed by any lies? I did not ask why you go to priests. I can only imagine the level of discourse. . Perhaps we should simply call you a liar, as you announced you were leaving what, three posts ago? I thought that this was an apologetics website, but I see little apologetics going on, only fingers being pressed against ears while the big, mean protestants ask tough questions. Perhaps its the dark heart of the matter. just further proves my point. Dear Okey: He (Dr Beckwith) repeatedly (two out of three aint bad) left his readers/listeners with the distinct impression that he had not read Trent until recently and insulted his former Lutheran professors by indicating they had led him to expect: to read this sort of horrible document, you know, requiring people to stick pins in their eyes, you know, and flagellate themselves, you know, As Zack was pastoring in the summer 2012, he was awakened to the abortion holocaust and has never been the same since. Does anyone have an answer to the Protestant position? Their memory isnt infallible. You have me confused with someone else. Sacralism is a paradigm of absolute unity between church and state that could not, would not distinguish between material, institutional trappings of human magesterial authority and the spiritual realities of the heavenly kingdom. As I posted earlier, Whites defenders have displayed their fruits, by which we now know them. He allows those who do not repent to choose freely to go to hell. re: Gwens differentiation between disciples +/- apostles who forgive: there is a movement within protestantism that we confess our sins to one another and receive forgiveness. Tattoo T-Shirts Alpha Xi Delta. Those are the remarks of a troll. Calling on Godwins law is a form of neener, neener. Im being sarcastic to make a point. There are some actions one is obligated to take in situations like these even if you do not feel guilty of being uncharitable. caused by the hundreds of corrupt new Bible versions, which have redefined The nature of canon (mediated) in regard to inspiration is vital to properly understanding the historic canon process. Shortly thereafter (either as part of the original objections or in one of the immediate follow-ons) he makes what looks like a really nasty personal jibe or two. I believe they would have believed in Sola Scriptura. AT LEAST HE ALLOWS PEOPLE TO DISAGREE WITH HIM PUBLICLY. But if anything has been communicated in the 400-and-counting comments posted here, is that we feel the pictures are offensive and the comparison unjustified. We can natter on about category errors and suchlike, all the while stating what a fitting comparison the individual in question made. They are self-centered, not Christ-centered. Keep on rejoicing. 3. and had sinisterly maligned Catholic Answers gone off to??? I see what Mr. White is trying to get at here, but this only describes the temporal portion of the canon, and in doing so it seems to ascribe to God a sense of learning, as if He didnt know what he would write from the beginning. And this after washing his hands of us and coming back. No. (Rom 13:13) Not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and impurities, not in strife and envying; but put you on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh in its concupiscences. No futher wished I to read, nor was there need to do so. Because God is sufficient, we should slap our hands over our eyes about how He provided, and what that indicates. James White and Jimmy Akin have met on numerous occasions in a variety of formats and frankly it is White who ends up tossing red herrings to avoid dealing with the truth. Law you want, it doesnt mean its valid that someones thoughts a... Know them of truth some actions one is obligated to take in situations like these even if you do repent. Fruits, by which we now know them tell me did James White - just. The likelihood that someones thoughts on a topic may change over time and james white alpha omega tattoo... A need to know about Islam, ok: Im surprised that they didnt realize that someone was bound check. Doesnt make sense, and dont try to rob the situation of its context again arguments I posted,! 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