eu4 how to get countries to join hre

The opinion of the nation that was under attack will increase by +10 because of the honored alliance relation boost. Each additional point above 50 will boost the nations' willingness to support said reforms. At the bottom left the "Join HRE" button will be selectable if "the Capital can be connected to the Empire" by bordering an HRE province via land connection (the capital doesnt need to directly border the HRE, but the nation must own all provinces between its capital and the HRE), or shared sea tile, and the nation is 1) the Emperor, or 2) the Emperor has an opinion of it of at least: For example, in 1444 Venice has 147 development. Alternatively it is possible to add all elegible Provinces at once via the HRE interface. I have numerous vassals, and have released nations, who I would like to join the HRE. Subject princes do not use diplomatic relation slots. The mean time of this happening is 5 years after the initial 30 years without a league war, and it will only trigger if the emperor is at peace, not in a regency, and none of the electors is a League enemy of opposing religion to the Emperor and with a truce with the Emperor. Under the icon is a number which shows the authority of the current reigning Emperor. The Protestant League can declare war on the Catholic League at any time using the "Religious League" casus belli, which has the "Show Superiority" wargoal. #3. The Emperors opinion of you must be equal to your development. They'll retain that title most of the time unless they lose the Religious League War. We will accept the Teutonic Order to join without any conditions. Try distributing gifts, royal marriages, alliances and other relation-improving maneuvers to members who oppose it, before implementing the reform. Der Bauernmarkt 2.0 - Regional & digital Friedrich III von Habsburg of Austria starts the game, in 1444, as Emperor. A nation that feels Threatened by the Emperor will have a +20 modifier to becoming a Free City, so that they can have guaranteed Imperial protection. what's the best minor German country to unite the HRE? Unlike in EU3, the Emperor can see how the members of the Imperial Diet will vote before calling for the reform by hovering over the reform button, and why they support or oppose by hovering over the shields of each imperial prince. Cookie Notice The Protestant League is headed by the first protestant country which joins, thereafter the leader is determined based on a military score determined by the nations maximum manpower, force limit, and tactics. in the event, The Emperor of the HRE selected the option 'A black day!' There are two ways to become an elector. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The ai countries usually dont join voluntarily. 6 Your game should . So it requires (100 + 73 + 3 + 4 = ) 180 opinion from the Emperor to join. This disables further league wars and means that only countries of this religion can become electors or emperors. Become an elector in the HRE as a country which does not start as elector. Be aware that regions do not correlate to continents 100% - e.g. This makes them more likely to win the Imperial election. Additionally, the Emperor may core any province within the Empire, even if it's out of coring range or inaccessible. How to Dismantle the Hre in Eu4 Step 1: Find the section of the map that contains the most provinces with high development. Nations that have their capital province inside imperial boundaries are considered Princes, or member states. Without Emperor, there are no reform types, and only eight reforms are available: Call for Reichsreform, Institute Reichsregiment, Reform the Hofgericht, Enact Gemeiner Pfennig, Ewiger Landfriede, Proclaim Erbkaisertum, Revoke The Privilegia, Renovatio Imperii. Let us use all our influence to ensure our female heir will be considered as our successor when the time comes to elect a new Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Such reforms would have shaped it into something more like the conventional nation-states of the rest of Europe. In game, however, the Holy Roman Empire usually passes a moderate number of reforms. Despite being the emperor, this large country can be you. If anyone has some suggestions I would like to hear. Common reforms, shown in the top row of the HRE interface, can be passed regardless of whether centralization or decentralization reforms have been selected, and must be passed in order to choose one of the two. Unless it fulfils at least one of the criteria below for selecting an outcome, the remaining outcomes are, Every province in the France Region that is owned by, Every province in the HRE that is owned by, Demand that the Lowlands be released as Princes of the HRE, The Emperor will support the Independence of, AI will always choose this option if it has one of the following, it is a neighbor of Burgundy but not allied to Burgundy. The Catholic League will begin with the current Emperor at the head, any subsequently elected emperor will automatically assume leadership of the Catholic league, even if they had previously been neutral or part of the Protestant League. We cannot allow Italy to become a shadow kingdom! This event ends the leagues if they had formed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Adding territory manually and then releasing countries once their capitals are in the HRE will add them to the HRE. non verbal communication differences between cultures ppt. Succeeding to liberate the prince will result in an imperial authority bonus. The casus belli is automatically given upon the annexation, and expires in 60 months (5 years). Leaving causes non-core provinces in the HRE to be ceded to the emperor, removes all core provinces from the HRE, hurts relations with the emperor and reduces Imperial Authority by 10. But the player should get the personal union with Hungary very early on. Co-belligerents, however, will not call their Imperial allies against an Imperial foe. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If youre seeking admission into the HRE, youll want to befriend Austria. A member state who is not the Emperor may leave at any time if it is at peace (using the HRE interface). Yes, the last patch made it very unlikely for nations to voluntarily join the HRE. When playing as an expansionist Austria (which is recommended most of the time), it is prudent to feed captured land to vassals to make them even stronger, giving eastern land to, for example, Pomerania, Brandenburg, and Bohemia and western land (France, Spain/Castile, and maybe even Northern Africa) to the small vassals in the western part of the Empire, and taking the Ottomans, the Black Sea, and nearby steppes for the player or giving it to other members. Its Francien vassal Nevers has 27 development; its Germanic personal unions Brabant, Holland and Flanders have 53, 45 and 34 development respectively. The Peace of Westphalia also disables any religion-based casus belli such as "Cleansing of Heresy" between Christians inside the Empire. How long does claim throne CB last eu4? The Emperor has until 1490 to rein in as many Italian Nations in the HRE as possible. This is usually around Central Europe, but can be moved if need be. A Free City loses its status under any of these conditions: Unlawful territories are provinces that are a part of the HRE, but are owned by a Christian country that does not have a core on them. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. The nations attitude toward the emperor also seems to affect the decision, and nations that are not able to reach the needed relations level dont seem interested in joining either. But when a new republic is crushed, the tide turns in favour of the nobility. A Prince selected the option 'We shall take this to the Imperial Diet.' Cookie Notice Electors may vote for non-members of the HRE too. 1 more diplomat (good in the HRE) 1 more promoted culture (uuuugh. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The Free City is no longer a part of the Holy Roman Empire, be it because it left the Empire, the Empire is dismantled, or the Emperor passes the second to last reform and the city refuses to become a vassal. Enabled if: France : One of the following must be true: The Emperor gets the following bonuses:[1], Additional, for each member state of the HRE:[2], Additional, for each Free City in the HRE:[3]. Anyway I want to play a middling culturally German power to unite the HRE. The Emperor usually has a large income as they get a +2 tax income per Free City in the HRE. A Free City that gains a second province or leaves the HRE will lose their Free City status. The game begins with the maximum number of Free Cities in the HRE. If done right, uniting the HRE can be fun and rewarding, and will additionally net the player the "A Kaiser not just in name" achievement if playing on Ironman. This makes it impossible for large nations with over 200 development to join the HRE using this method. and our Bologna, almost always joins if they get high enough relations with the emperor, so other countries in the same position like to also. Europa Universalis IV: Monthly Subscription. Dutch Revolt. Or just annex and keep, lol. Starting as Mulhouse, become Emperor of the HRE and completely decentralize the Empire. Dismantling the HRE will grant +100 prestige to the war leader, and remove the HRE interface altogether. Once youre the Emperor, the Join HRE button in the HRE UI will become clickable. Emperors, once chosen, serve for life. exe" file. The balance of power between the various Princes, Electors and the Emperor was always in flux, and imperial unity was further weakened by the Reformation. Hesse, the Palatinate, or Brunswick also seem like they could work. I find that with EU4 there doesnt seem to be all that many clear formulas on how to do certain things, bit of a shame really. Present wars are unaffected, and members may still be called into wars against other members. The HRE is more of an obstacle for your ambitions because some free cities are protected by the Emperor, and all the land costs more AE. The money needed to get the max opinion bonus is relative to your targets monthly income. Passing the imperial reform 'Embrace Rechenschaft Measures' allows for an eight electorships to be granted. The Emperor has the following powers and duties: Available from the Holy Roman Empire interface, the Emperor can call for a vote on an Imperial Reform. EU4 1.33 Castile Guide - This Beginner Nation Is STILL UNSTOPPABLE The Red Hawk 213K views 9 months ago EU4 1.33 Mamluks Guide - The MAMLUK HRE VASSAL SWARM Is INSANE The Red Hawk 135K views 8. Passing Proclaim Erbkaisertum reform also changes the way that vassal liberty desire is calculated. Improve relations with them for a bit until they like you more than the other candidates. they are joining pretty rarely and usually only if they have 1-3 provinces. . Election happens immediately once the emperor dies, abdicates or is deposed and the candidate with the most votes wins the election. This will likely cause non-HRE vassals to become disloyal, as total military strength will increase greatly. The Dutch people living under the rule of [Root.GetName] have become discontent and seek the creation of an independent state through violent means. Start as a non-Christian country, or convert to a non-Christian religion. Demanding religious unity, whatever the answer, costs 1 point of Imperial Authority. Joining a league war grants the "Joined League War" country modifier for 100 years from the start of the war, which gives the following benefits: If a league wins the war by enforcing the "Religious Supremacy" peace term for 50% war score, that league will have their religion made the permanent official religion of the Holy Roman Empire. The Emperor needs at least 50 Authority to pass a reform and the consensus of at least half of the members of the Empire. Other nations in the vicinity have missions that allow them to join the HRE despite their size. Thus, it is for instance possible to join the HRE regardless of the Emperor's opinion of your country by conquering a province in it (but note that the Emperor will be called in the war as a co-belligerent if you directly attack its owner), coring it and then losing all non-HRE provinces including the capital, for example by releasing vassals or giving them out in peace deals, causing the capital to be moved to the conquered HRE province. AI emperors are fully content with having less than 7 electors if all the possible candidates are too big. If there is no eligible candidate, most often due to the outcome of religious league war and all of the rulers of that religion being female, then no emperor is elected and the empire is automatically dismantled. At its core, it is a negative opinion modifier. If the target is an elector, free city or Defender of the Faith, it counts for a 1000 points reduction on the likelihood of acceptance, effectively rendering peaceful conversion impossible. The second is to be assigned by the emperor. Or just annex and keep, lol. Each of them can be clicked on, which will bring up the diplomatic interface to examine and interact with that nation. ", If the Elector is a vassal of someone other than the war leader, and does not participate in the war fighting. Theyll retain that title most of the time unless they lose the Religious League War. When a reform is passed, all Imperial Authority is removed (the counter is set to 0). Take the country's new capital and the capital . Overthrow Austria and become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. If you don't there is really not much you can do to get more provinces into HRE except adding them yourself. Its possible to have an 8th elector if the Embrace Rechenschaft Measures reform has been passed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Also the emperor will get a malus to demand more than one province from one nation so taking two provinces and returning one and keeping the other is another option. Common Sense: If the empire has no official faith yet, regardless of the faith of the electors, the Peace of Westphalia is declared. Europa Universalis 4 - . If Art of War is enabled, consider designating your HRE vassals as marches if you don't need their territory and have a strong economy, as it will lower their liberty desire (so you can feed them even more), and strengthen their military abilities, making the swarm even more unstoppable. The Emperor gets a bonus to tax income, manpower and imperial authority for each Free City in the HRE, but there can only be 12 Free Cities in total at any given time. They need to be 200 dev maximum, for sure. After you pass the third reform, you'll get a CB you can use to force them in. Geographically only the provinces in Europe continent can be added into HRE. You will need to employ cunning to expand into the HRE. Once it does decide to join it will do so as soon as it meets the relations requirements and can add its capital. Princes who support the reform become vassals of the Emperor. Our heir is a woman but the Imperial crown can only pass to a man. and our A nation liberated after this reform, however, will not automatically become the Emperor's vassal. Also should the North Italian region not be entirely in the HRE by 1490 the Italian states will leave through the "Shadow Kingdom" event. An emperor cannot lose the election for emperorship while in the midst of a league war. For too long we have suffered under the tyrant heel of the nobility. These can be multiple wars. and our Since 1.21, for nations to want to join the HRE, they need to be threatened enough by another nation, and be weak enough compared to the threatening nation. Note: Protestants and Reformists can be eligible too if their side has won the Religious League War. Remove elector status from an elector at the expense of worsened relations with other electors (-50 with same-religion as the removed elector, otherwise -25) and 10 Imperial Authority. I haven't played this game in quite a while but once I get the hang of it I'm not too bad. Provinces connected with a water crossing can be added to the empire, as well as isolated islands provided they share a sea zone with a province already in the empire. For more information, please see our Monarchies get a 50 penalty to accepting and theocracies get 100, so getting one-province republics released may be necessary to create more free cities. Neighbors of the Order, which are part of the HRE, might feel threatened by this choice. Ewiger Landfriede means this should not happen too often, but it's something to be aware of. [5] Once the Emperor has more than 50 imperial authority and half of the members' support and the Emperor is at peace the next reform may be passed. Take and core the province while the Emperor has a long truce with you. If a non-member is elected emperor and their capital has a land connection to an HRE province then all their European provinces which have a land connection to the capital can be added to the HRE (using the join HRE button), making them an HRE member. The Pragmatic Sanction, solemnly rendered by Emperor $EMPERORNAME$ on [GetDateText], established the indivisability of his lands and established succession by order of first born child, even to a woman. Summon the diet!' If the target accepts the request, they convert to the Emperor's state religion and one random province becomes converted automatically. As a frustrated otter who dreams of getting published, Louie instead wastes his life cuddling his cats. If a third party (including rebels) takes one of the allied/vassalized Elector capital, the Elector is "independent" again. From these Princes, up to seven are Prince-Electors, who vote on which Prince will be the next Holy Roman Emperor upon the death of the . This province gains the triggered province modifier "Perpetual Diet", +10% Local friendly movement speed in every Empire province, 5% Local development cost in every Empire province, Will remain Emperor on all further successions, No longer gains +10 Imperial Authority on succession. The Emperor is the leader of the Holy Roman Empire, tasked with defending and maintaining the sovereignty of member states. Refusing a demand for unlawful territory will reduce relations with all HRE members by 25 and give the emperor an Imperial Liberation casus belli against the target. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Whether you are a member of the HRE or not, if you are Christian the Emperor will demand back non-core provinces in the HRE you conquer. Austria also has access to the most number of modifiers to diplomatic reputation. That same game Austria was able to vassalize Hungary diplomatically (I was playing as Spain). It has a total development of 89, so an opinion of 144 should suffice, I got to 148 but nothing is happening. To pass a reform is passed, all Imperial Authority bonus more than the war leader, and remove HRE! Press question mark to learn the rest of the Empire, tasked with and... The prince will result in an Imperial Authority bonus you can use to force them in number. 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